The shortest, simplest definition of semiotics is the study of signs. It does not, however, cover only the conventional meanings of the word, what one would normally think of upon hearing or reading "sign": road signs, neon signs that advertise businesses, restaurants, and places of entertainment, the signs of everyday life. Semiotics also studies the signs represented by and through drawings, paintings, photographs, words, sounds, and body language, even flavors, acts and objects, all of which vary in meaning between countries and cultures. Semiotics, closely related to and at times considered to be a subgroup of the field of linguistics, can be further broken down into three branches: semantics (the relationship between signs and the people, objects or ideas which the signs refer to), syntactics (the relationship between signs in formal structures, such as language or mathematics), and pragmatics (the relationship between signs and the effects that they have on the people who use them). Obviously, semiotics covers a lot of ground, including ground shared between it and linguistics, mathematics, cultural diversities, and countless other fields of study.
- Masks and the Semiotics of Identity
Donald Pollock
The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Vol. 1, No. 3 (Sep., 1995), pp. 581-597
Published by: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Stable URL:
This article discusses the relationships between one's identity and masks (literal masks, not figurative ones), the meanings associated with masks, and how, not why, people tend to see masks in certain ways. It provides cultural examples of how specific masks relate to a person's overall identity, and how the meanings of masks broaden through the connections that people associate masks with, so that masks transcend traditional and stereotypical definitions of the word. - Experimental Music Semiotics
Published by: Croatian Musicological SocietyStable URL: - Men, Dogs, Guns, and Cars: The Semiotics of Rugged Individualism
Published by: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.Stable URL:
Additional Information:
The Wikipedia article dedicated to semiotics. -
An online version of Daniel Chandler's Semiotics for Beginners. -
An animated Youtube video about semiotics.
A list of definitions, including that of semiotics as well as the words related to the study of semiotics.
An open semiotics resource center that provides definitions, articles, journals, reference tools, connections to semioticians, and much more.
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