Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week Three: Actor-Network Theory

Although the concept was a bit hard to understand at first, after reading a few different descriptions on the subject, I've been able to come up with this conclusion: the actor-network theory, often abbreviated ANT, explains the relationships between actors (human and nonhuman) and other actors, between actors and ideas, and between ideas and other ideas, all of which create an ever-shifting network of actors and ideas. The actions occuring within the network, however, must be continuously repeated, or else the network will fall apart. I found a helpful example of ANT in its Wikipedia article: teachers and children (human actors) interact with one another as well as with various technologies, such as tables, chairs, and computers (nonhuman actors), all the while exchanging ideas, thereby creating a network; if the teachers do not come to school each morning, or the computers cease to work, the network will disintegrate. Actor-network theory is not, however, about the network itself, nor does it explain why a network forms between certain actors and ideas. Rather, it explains how a network begins, how it maintains itself, and how it falls apart. Norwegian Professor Ole Hanseth provides another helpful example of ANT: when driving a car, a person is influenced by a number of things, including the condition of the car, traffic regulations, and his or her previous experience driving said car, thus creating a network consisting of both human and nonhuman actors, various ideas, and the relationships that exist between each of these factors. This network was set into motion the moment the person stepped into the car, the actors, ideas and relationships falling into place immediately afterward. The network will temporarily disintegrate once the person turns off his or her car and walks away, only to begin once again the next time he or she decides to drive, perhaps adding more components to the network (driving lessons, a police ticket, a passenger) upon doing so. To sum this concept up, I would like to quote Hanseth: "You do not go about doing your business in a total vacuum but rather under the influence of a wide range of surrounding factors." Actor-network theory, therefore, explains how the "wide range of surrounding factors" comes together as a network, how that network persists, and how that network falls apart.

Articles on Actor-Network Theory:
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week Two: Motivation Theories

Dictionary.com defines the word motivation as "the act or an instance of motivating, or providing with a reason to act in a certain way." This definition applies to the theories as well as to the word itself. Motivation theories (including the instinct, incentive, and humanistic motivation theories) generally imply that, using the right incentives or under the correct conditions, a person/group of people can be compelled to do something or to act in a specific way; the key is to know what factors drive a person/group of people into action. Motivation theories are often studied closely by various managers, teachers, and leaders due to the fact that those who are in charge of groups of people need to understand what will drive those groups, whether they're employees, students, or citizens, to work, think and act. These theories have also attracted the interest of psychologists, including the famous Abraham Maslow, who conceptualized the hierarchy of needs in his 1943 research paper, "A Theory of Human Motivation." Maslow's hierarchy implies that human beings are compelled to meet their most basic needs (such as sleep, food, and water) before they are able to tackle more complex needs (such as safety and security).

Motivation theories will have a definite impact on not only the beginning our semester-long project, but on its continuance as well. Those of us involved in the initial stages of the project will need to discover what motivates other people (which actually tends to be incredibly hard) to care about and help protect the environment, thus garnering general interest in what we're attempting to do. To spark these desires, we're going to have to decide on the right ways to connect to the interests of different sets of people, whether they're businessmen-and-women, fellow students, or faculty members, because each set of people, as well as each individual person, is going to have his/her own opinion about the environment that we may have to sway.

Articles Related to Motivational Theory:

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week One: Personality Research

Personality research is exactly what it sounds like: the study of an individual's personality. The "research" aspect can include anything from creating an intricate, detailed outline of someone's psychological make-up to discovering what generally makes each person the same as the rest of the population (or, in certain cases, different). The question that plays an enormous role in every branch of personality research, however, is why. Why does this specific personality factor appear in so many people? Or, Why does it statistically appear in those who descend from a certain lineage? Each personality-related question answered is another step towards giving more precise explanations, and therefore better help, to those who need or want the aid, such as advertisement companies that wish to create the most effective television commercials possible, or the woman who wonders whether her tendency to pace under stress is somehow ingrained in her personality. Although its connections may not seem apparent at first, personality research can, and does, play a major role in environmental studies. For example, the right amount and type of research can explain to some extent why Republicans are less likely to support certain environmental proposals than Democrats, perhaps by having members of both parties complete a survey of carefully chosen questions that delve deeper into each member's personality than he or she realizes. Another example could be proposing the future location of a wind farm based on the outcome of a certain area's personality questionnaires. The uses that personality research could provide for the continued development of environmental studies are endless.

Articles about Personality Research:

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Environmental Studies: Social Perspectives

From pollution and climate change to the loss of biodiversity, environmental issues have to be looked at through many different lenses: social, political, economic, ethical, scientific. Environmental Studies: Social Perspectives is a class which draws its coursework from several different departments in the sciences and social science, and is designed to help students understand the many complex environmental problems we face as a nation and global community.